İsmet ÖZCAN / Gaziantep Union of Chambers of Tradesmen and Craftsmen President
I would like to thank all our general assembly delegates who paved the way for us to continue to serve our Tradesmen and Artists.
After our general assembly, gaziantep people and tradesmen-artists are the winners. No one should doubt that we will fulfill the trust of our tradesmen and artists. Our past is the guarantee of our future.
In addition to the general duties of our federation, our vocational training activities are being developed and renewed day by day in order to expand services to merchants, artists and industrialists and to support the development of our province. From this point of view, vocational education activities, which are becoming increasingly important to our province and country, have been included in the main activities of our Union.
In collaboration with MEKSA, project resource grant such as the European Union, 7şkur, and the Silk Road Development Agency, SODES is reached and established in 3 separate GESOB-MEKSA vocational training centres in our province;
Machine techniques,
Metal technologies,
Automotive technologies,
Natural gas technologies,
Garment industry
Electricity and Electronics
Classrooms and workshops with modern technologies have been established where theoretical and practical training can be provided in many professions within the scope of information technologies.
Courses can be organized in 35 different departments in our centers along with entrepreneurship, hygiene, health and occupational safety training, including the above areas.
4,500 people have been certified by providing vocational training to the unemployed and unemployed, vocational training to the employees, and applied entrepreneurship training to entrepreneur candidates with a business idea, and these people are still employed at a rate of 50-60%. Documentation; GESOB, MEKSA Foundation, İŞKUR, MEB, KOSGEB approved partners are given within the scope of cooperation made in applications.
Today, giant companies would not exist without small Craftsman-Artists. As Gaziantep prides itself in industry and trade, it prides itself on its Craftsmen-Artists. Our basic idea is the Ahi Evran culture.